Tag: hsp gifts

  • Mastering the Art of Communication: A Guide for HSP Entrepreneurs

    Mastering the Art of Communication: A Guide for HSP Entrepreneurs


    As highly sensitive business owners, we possess unique qualities that allow us to connect deeply with others and understand their needs. However, when it comes to client interactions and negotiations, we may face certain challenges that require tailored communication strategies. In this blog post, we will explore practical techniques to help HSP Entrepreneurs navigate these situations successfully, fostering stronger relationships and achieving business growth.

    Understanding Highly Sensitive Business Owners

    Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) in the context of running a business means having heightened sensitivity to stimuli, emotions, and the environment. This sensitivity can influence our communication style, making it crucial for us to be self-aware. By understanding our own traits and characteristics, we can better manage client interactions and negotiations effectively.

    Building Empathy and Active Listening Skills

    Empathy and active listening as an HSP entrepreneurEmpathy is a key ingredient in successful client interactions and negotiations. By putting ourselves in our clients’ shoes, we can better understand their needs, concerns, and desires. To cultivate empathy, take the time to actively listen and seek to understand their perspectives. This will enhance understanding and rapport, strengthening the foundation of your business relationships.

    Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

    As highly sensitive business owners, setting boundaries is essential to maintain our well-being and prevent overwhelm. Communicating these boundaries effectively to clients is crucial. By clearly and respectfully expressing our limits, we can establish healthy boundaries that foster mutual respect and understanding. Additionally, explore strategies to manage client expectations while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    Handling Conflict and Difficult Conversations

    Conflicts are inevitable in any business relationship. When facing difficult conversations, approach them constructively by focusing on finding mutually beneficial solutions. Prepare for the conversation, choose the right timing, and maintain a calm and composed demeanour. By de-escalating tense situations and actively seeking resolutions, you can navigate conflicts with grace and professionalism.

    If you just communicate, you can get by. But if you communicate skillfully, you can work miracles.
    ~ Jim Rohn

    Leveraging Effective Non-Verbal Communication

    Non-verbal cues play a significant role in client interactions and negotiations. Body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions can convey confidence, sincerity, and trust. Enhance your non-verbal communication skills by practicing open and relaxed body language, maintaining eye contact, and using a warm and engaging tone. These subtle yet powerful techniques will strengthen your communication and build a positive impression.

    There’s a great book called The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People’s Gestures and Expressions by Allan and Barbara Pease. I stumbled upon it years ago and learnt a lot from it. It’s all about understanding the secret language of non-verbal communication. The authors break down everything, from facial expressions to body postures, and explains the hidden messages they convey. I couldn’t believe how much of our communication is happening without even speaking a word! Whether you’re curious about relationships or want to ace your business interactions, this book is a game-changer. Seriously, if you want to level up your people skills, this is a must-read!

    Developing Assertiveness and Confidence

    Assertiveness is crucial in business interactions, even for highly sensitive individuals. It allows us to express our needs, opinions, and boundaries while staying true to our sensitive nature. Develop assertiveness by practicing clear and direct communication, using I statements, and focusing on the value you bring to the table. Boost your confidence through mindset techniques, such as positive affirmations and visualisation exercises.

    Final Thoughts

    Effective communication strategies are vital for highly sensitive business owners to navigate client interactions and negotiations successfully. By understanding our own traits, cultivating empathy, setting boundaries, handling conflicts constructively, leveraging non-verbal cues, and developing assertiveness, we can achieve business growth while maintaining our well-being. Implement these strategies and remember, seeking support from a business coach or mentor can be immensely beneficial on your journey to success.

    Remember, as highly sensitive business owners, our unique qualities are our strengths. By embracing effective communication strategies, we can thrive in our online businesses, building meaningful connections and achieving our goals.

  • Sensitive by Nature, Successful by Design: Building a Profitable Online Business as an HSP

    Sensitive by Nature, Successful by Design: Building a Profitable Online Business as an HSP

    Unleash the Power of Your Sensitive Nature

    Have you ever considered that your sensitivity could be your secret weapon in building a profitable online business? In this blog post, we will explore the concept of finding alignment as a sensitive entrepreneur and discover strategies that can help you thrive in the online business world. By embracing your authenticity and leveraging your unique strengths, you can create a successful business that aligns with your sensitive nature.

    Understanding Your Sensitive Nature:

    Strategies for Sensitive HSP Business OwnersCharacteristics of Sensitive Individuals

    As a sensitive entrepreneur, you possess a heightened awareness and empathy towards others. You are attuned to subtle details and emotions, which can be valuable in understanding your target audience’s needs. Your intuition and deep thinking abilities enable you to make insightful business decisions.

    Strengths and Advantages of Being Sensitive in Business

    Sensitive individuals excel in building meaningful connections with clients and customers. Your empathetic nature allows you to understand their pain points and provide tailored solutions. Your attention to detail and ability to anticipate needs can result in exceptional customer experiences, leading to customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

    Common Challenges Faced by Sensitive Entrepreneurs

    While being sensitive has its advantages, it also presents unique challenges. Sensitives may struggle with self-doubt, fear of criticism, and overwhelm from external stimuli. However, by understanding and addressing these challenges, you can transform them into opportunities for growth and success.

    Embracing Your Authenticity:

    Embrace Your Sensitive Nature as a Unique Asset

    It’s essential to embrace your sensitive nature as a strength rather than viewing it as a weakness. Your authenticity and genuine approach can set you apart from competitors, attracting clients who resonate with your values and mission.

    Staying True to Yourself in Business

    In a world of constant comparison and competition, it’s crucial to stay true to yourself and your values. Authenticity breeds trust and fosters strong connections with your audience. By aligning your business with your sensitive nature, you can create a sustainable and fulfilling business.

    Examples of Successful Entrepreneurs Who Leveraged Their Sensitivity

    Numerous successful entrepreneurs have embraced their sensitivity and used it as an advantage in their business. Take, for instance, renowned author and speaker Brené Brown, who leveraged her vulnerability and authenticity to build a global following.

    Julie Bjelland, an HSP Psychotherapist and the brilliant mind behind Sensitive Empowerment has made it her mission to shed light on the incredible value of sensitivity. Julie has poured her heart and soul into equipping highly sensitive people with the tools they need to navigate the challenges that can impact their mental and physical well-being. Her success in the online business world is a testament to her passion and unwavering commitment to empowering HSPs worldwide.

    These and many more stories serve as inspiration and proof that sensitivity can be a powerful asset in the business world.

    Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.

    ~ Brené Brown

    Strategies for Sensitive HSP Business Owners:

    Mindset Shifts

    To thrive as a sensitive entrepreneur, it’s crucial to cultivate a positive mindset. Embrace self-belief, practice self-care, and develop a growth mindset that allows you to see challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement. Surround yourself with positive influences and engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

    Finding Your Niche

    Finding a niche that aligns with your sensitive nature is key to building a profitable online business. Identify your ideal target audience by understanding their pain points, desires, and aspirations. By tailoring your offerings to their specific needs, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract a loyal customer base.

    Authentic Communication

    Authentic communication is the cornerstone of building a profitable online business. Connect with your clients and customers by genuinely understanding and empathising with their experiences. Practice active listening, ask meaningful questions, and provide transparent and honest communication. Vulnerability and empathy create authentic connections that foster long-term relationships.

    Creating Boundaries

    As a sensitive entrepreneur, setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining your well-being and business success. Clearly define your working hours, establish guidelines for client interactions, and prioritise self-care. By creating boundaries, you protect your energy and ensure you have the capacity to deliver your best work consistently.

    Building a Supportive Network

    Surrounding yourself with a supportive community is vital for sensitive entrepreneurs. Join mastermind groups, participate in networking events, and connect with like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate your sensitive nature. Seek coaches and mentors who can guide you on your entrepreneurial journey and provide valuable insights.

    Celebrating Your Wins

    Celebrating your achievements along the way is essential for maintaining motivation and a positive mindset. Acknowledge and appreciate your progress, no matter how small. Incorporate mini celebrations and reward yourself along the way for reaching milestones. By celebrating your wins, you fuel your passion and maintain the momentum needed to build a profitable online business.

    Final Thoughts:

    Embrace Your Sensitivity and Discover Strategies That Work for You

    Embracing your sensitive nature and finding alignment in your online business is a powerful combination. By understanding and leveraging the strengths of sensitivity, adopting the right mindset, finding your niche, communicating authentically, setting boundaries, building a supportive network, and celebrating your wins, you can build a profitable online business that aligns with your true self.

    Now is the time to take action. Start implementing these strategies with confidence and authenticity, and watch your online business thrive. Unleash the power of your sensitive nature and create a business that not only brings financial success but also allows you to have more time and energy to live a fulfilling life.

  • What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

    What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

    Dr Elaine Aron coined the term ‘highly sensitive person’ in the 1990s. The scientific name is ‘sensory processing sensitivity’. Dr Aron has undertaken a lot of research around this trait along with many others including her husband Arthur Aron.

    One in five people are highly sensitive, that is 20% of the population, or 1.4 billion!

    Categories of the Highly Sensitive Person trait

    In her book Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person, Dr Aron groups the HSP trait into four categories. She uses the acronym DOES.

    This stands for:

    • Depth of processing
    • Overarousal
    • Emotional intensity
    • Sensory sensitivity

    I will break these down using the guidelines that Dr Aron discusses in the above mentioned book.

    Depth of processing

    What is a Highly Sensitive PersonDepth of processing refers to how, as a highly sensitive person, we process information deeply.

    We are deep thinkers and may question things like the meaning of life.

    I remember well as a young child, gazing out my window at the starry nights. I grew up in a very small town in Southern Hawkes Bay of New Zealand where the stars were particularly vibrant. Unlike my mother and father who grew up in the UK in London and Birmingham respectively. Sadly their skies were filled with bombers and search lights.

    I digress! Far different from the war filled skies in England, I would spend hours gazing at the stars, wondering where we came from. What other planets were out there. Other beings?

    It used to fascinate me (and keep me awake all night!)

    I used to feel so small and insignificant in a small town in the middle of a small country. Far from most other countries in the world. I even remember having the feeling that our planet was small in comparison to what else was out there.

    Deep processing is also connected to our conscientiousness and our moral values. It refers to our inner knowing, gut feelings and deeper feelings of empathy for others and the world around us.

    Depth of processing can affect decision making abilities. We like to ponder and reflect before making quick decisions. Once we do however, they are generally good decisions.


    Overarousal, also referred to as ease of overstimulation, refers to our inability to cope with high levels of stimulation.

    As indicated in a previous blog post Do you have the HSP trait, highly sensitive people process our five senses far more deeply than non-HSPs. We have way more paths of information coming into our brains. This results in overarousal which leads to nervousness, chronic stress, and anxiety if we have not yet mastered good coping strategies.

    This overarousal can decrease our cognitive capacity which may lead to confusion, poor memory, or an inability to express ourselves clearly.

    When good coping strategies are in place, this high stimulation has some wonderful gifts. Our senses are heightened therefore we are super observant of the beauty in the world around us. Delicate aromas, exquisite foods, fine art, the perfection of nature.

    Emotional intensity

    In Elaine Aron’s DOES acronym for highly sensitive people, emotional intensity refers to being deeply moved by certain situations and environments. We are full of compassion for those around us. Easily moved to tears of both joy and sadness.

    We can be affected by violence on tv or in the media. Many HSPs tend to avoid movies or tv shows that involve violence, horror and too much action.

    This side of the HSP is sentimental, thoughtful, caring and kind.

    Sensory sensitivity

    As mentioned in the Overarousal section above, HSPs have many more paths of information coming into our brains than non-HSPs. Our senses are often on high alert. We are super observant, often to the extent of ‘Sherlock Holmes’! We don’t miss a trick!

    All of our senses can be heightened. Our sense of touch can be affected by scratchy clothes such as wool, tight-fitting clothes or even clothing labels which can easily irritate us.

    We can be easily affected by loud noises such as loud machinery. Smelly fumes from trucks and cars. Bright lights such as fluorescents.

    Electromagnetic fields can give us adverse reactions. Radio waves from mobile phones, microwaves, televisions can be of concern.

    It is interesting to note, from Dr Aron’s book, that “many highly sensitive people report unusual experiences that can broadly be called psychic”.

    This coincides beautifully with another book I’m currently reading – Letting Go by David R. Hawkins. He states “True psychics, of course, are merely people who are experts at intuition”.

    You were born to be among the advisors and thinkers, the spiritual and moral leaders for your society. There is every reason for pride.

    ~ Elaine Aron

    Final Thoughts

    If you have taken the HSP Archetype Quiz on my website, you may have noticed that each of the four main archetypes – Akasha, Angel, Ariel and Artemis, are based on the DOES acronym by Dr Aron.

    Although we will have many characteristics from each of the areas, some may be more pronounced than others and that is what the quiz is based on with the questions you are presented with.

    Each has its amazing superpowers and I really encourage you to focus on these gifts and to find ways to manage those areas that require attention. I share self-care techniques that can help you in the emails when you signed up for the quiz.

    Which of the four categories stands out most for you?

    Disclaimer: By recommending books, this page contains affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and make a purchase I will receive a small commission.

  • Do you have the HSP trait?

    Do you have the HSP trait?

    HSP is a trait that we are born with. It is genetic.

    Also known as sensory processing sensitivity, the highly sensitive person trait makes up 15-20% of the population.

    It is not gender specific, meaning an equal percentage of both women and men have this trait. It’s also found in over 100 animal species.

    I know for sure that one of my kitty cats is an HSP or should that be an HSC? 😺

    Interestingly HSPs are not just introverts. Thirty percent of HSPs are in fact 30% extroverts.

    Although the trait has been around forever, it was Dr Elaine Aron who began researching it in 1991. Since then Dr Aron has written many books and scientific research papers to provide a more in-depth psychological understanding of this trait.

    It began as a survival strategy that involves a special way of processing extra, subtle details allowing one to process information thoroughly before responding. While the other 80-85% of the population may tend more to rush into things, we process the five senses in a much deeper way.

    Imagine that you have about three or four paths of information coming into your brain.

    That is the experience of the majority of the population, but for highly sensitives, we have 50-100 paths of information coming into our brains.

    That’s a lot of information for us to process.

    HSP traitThis means we can be very intuitive and empathetic. It is also very similar to having a sixth sense.

    As you can imagine, taking in so much information can often feel overwhelming and at times utterly exhausting. To be our best, we usually need more quiet, down time to process all that information.

    You may have grown up being told you’re too sensitive, or shy, perhaps too quiet. You may have felt that you were different, that you didn’t fit in.

    Sensitivity comes with so many gifts and I want you to discover the positives within you.

    – Julie Bjelland

    I hope by reading this post and learning that there are millions of us in the world (1.4 billion roughly!), you feel validated in how you feel and how you show up in the world.

    You have so many wonderful gifts as a highly sensitive person and I really encourage you to embrace your gifts and honour yourself.

    It truly is an amazing trait.

    If I were to leave you with one piece of advice, it would be to surround yourself with other HSPs.

    There are many wonderful communities that will welcome you with open arms.

    If you’re not already a member of my free Facebook group, I’d love to invite you to join.

    I’d also highly recommend the Sensitive Empowerment Community with Julie Bjelland. Not only are there many other HSPs it is packed full of tools and resources to help you flourish as someone with the HSP trait.