Tag: Conscious Consultant Certification

  • What is a Conscious Consultant?

    What is a Conscious Consultant?

    This week I was thrilled to graduate from the Conscious Consultant Certification program which I have been studying for since early November 2021.

    This training, over the past several months, has been truly life changing for me. More on that later!

    I wasn’t looking to undertake another certification. However when this opportunity presented itself, I knew it was the perfect addition to my other skills and experience.

    A Brief History

    I have been an online business owner since 1999.

    First I ran my own Web Development business then in 2018 I completely pivoted. I trained with Marisa Peer to become an Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

    I then went on to become an ICF-credentialed and certified coach with the Human Potential Institute.

    Following that I did some further coach training and certified as a 3 Brains Coach. I then delved into some much deeper hypnotherapy training and studied to receive my Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.

    Why the Conscious Consultant Certification

    Conscious Consultant Certification - Rose CoxSo why did I need another certification?

    When I first came across this program, I was very drawn to Gemma Went who runs this certification inside her Lighthouse Business AcademyⓇ.

    Many of our values aligned and although I was fairly new to Gemma’s world, I could see the high integrity that permeates her whole business.

    Gemma’s background includes over two decades of experience where she blends corporate, brand and agency work. She scaled two of her own businesses to create tried and tested frameworks to help her clients get to six, multi-six and seven figures.

    So I knew I was in good hands and I knew the frameworks and methods in this certification, would be a perfect fit for my own experience and methods.

    Combining everything together has created a powerful blend of tools, frameworks and modalities to offer my clients so they can create sustainable and aligned businesses.

    Gemma and her company focuses on creating supportive and diverse solutions for her clients and her team. This was another factor which drew me to this certification. Part of our training included a full day workshop on Inclusion and Diversity.

    This training consisted of three expert speakers in the areas of Race and Racism, Neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ Awareness + Allyship.

    Each of these carefully chosen speakers shared how their particular topic area applies to the coaching space. I got so many takeaways from this workshop that I am already applying to my business and sharing with my clients.

    In addition to the business frameworks, tools and specialised training, a good chunk of our time during this certification was spent in an Energy Clearing Immersive.

    This is a whole new topic that I will speak about in a future post but in short, this Conscious Energy Clearing Method that I am also certified in, includes a collection of energy clearing codes.

    While Rapid Transformational Therapy and hypnosis works with the subconscious mind, the energy codes work with the energy system and the body.

    These codes help unlock so many issues we face as online entrepreneurs. Including money blocks, imposter syndrome, visibility issues, lack of self belief and so much more. The energy codes release limiting beliefs and blocks in the energy system that hold back growth within ourselves and our business.

    You may now understand why I said previously that this training has been truly life changing for me!

    During our energy immersive training, we practiced on each other. The shifts I have personally had and seen in others in the program, have been incredible.

    Adding the energy clearing codes to my already powerful RTT and hypnosis mindset work, is such an omnipotent combination for getting past those pesky blocks.

    I’m so grateful to have this extra modality to share with my clients now I have certified and I’m doubly excited to see their results.

    One thing I didn’t mention about Gemma is that she is also a highly sensitive person, empath and introvert.

    Working with a coach and mentor who is also an HSP has been another key to creating success and growth in my business. I’ve been in many programs and worked with many coaches over the years and I now know the difference of working with someone who truly understands me and specifically the HSP trait.

    My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
    ~ Maya Angelou

    What It Means to be Conscious

    To finish up this post, I wanted to share a manifesto from our training portal in the Conscious Consultant Certification. This was the first thing I read when I joined this program and the words resonated so much and they still do.

    The word ‘conscious’ is used in a variety of contexts.

    At its very core, being conscious means being aware of self, of others, of surroundings.

    It means being intentionally aware of your own behaviour, feelings and habits at all times.

    It means being intentionally aware of how you’re affecting others and coming from a place of self ownership and compassion.

    When applied to Conscious Leadership, it means understanding at a deep level how you show up in the world and the impact that you have on all who are connected to you.

    It means being acutely aware of, and deeply connected with, your identity and your mission.

    It means having courage, resilience, conviction and humility that, in turn, creates a powerful inner knowing and sense of self.

    It means being guided by your inner mentor because you know that inside are all the answers you need.

    It means being thought led not emotion led and being here for the good of all, not just for the good of self.

    Wrapping Up

    Are you curious to know more? I welcome any questions you may have for me and if you’re interested in how I can support you and your business, you’ll find all of my current offers here – Work With Rose.