How to Use Social Media as an HSP

How to Use Social Media as an HSP

Navigating the use of social media as an HSP is a topic that comes up in a lot of my client sessions.

We all know what a powerful tool social media is. It’s been estimated that there are well over 3.2 billion people on social media! That’s a lot of people!

And you’re missing out if you’re not using social media to grow your business.

But it’s not always easy to use social media as an HSP. Our nervous systems can really suffer if we don’t use it the right way.

It’s not enough to just be on social media. You need to be authentic if you want to connect with your audience. Here are some tips to help you use social media as an HSP and to show up more authentically.

The importance of being authentic on social media, especially as an HSP

Both online and offline, people are drawn to authentic content.

To real people, not to faceless brands.

So if you want to connect with your audience, you need to show up authentically and build trust with them.

Ways to use social media as an HSP

1. Don’t try to be someone else

How to Use Social Media as an HSPOne of the most common mistakes people make on social media is trying to be like somebody else. They see all these beautiful, perfect images on Facebook and Instagram and start to feel like they need to have a perfect life too.

But that’s not being authentic. People can see through that, and they’ll quickly lose trust in you.

People want to know the real you, especially if you are a personal brand or service provider looking for clients.

Have you ever seen someone on social media with the perfect skin, hair, makeup, etc. Then you book a call with them and they look totally different? Sometimes 20 years older!

2. Stay true to your values and all that you stand for

To remain authentic also means being true to your values, your brand, and what you stand for.

As an example, if you are a health coach who values healthy eating and exercise, it wouldn’t make sense to post pictures of yourself eating fast food or drinking beer.

Those things aren’t aligned with who you are as a person or CEO of your health coaching business.

If people know what to expect from you, they’ll be more likely to feel connected and stick around.

Live authentically. Why would you continue to compromise something that’s beautiful to create something that is fake?
~ Steve Maraboli

3. Engage with authenticity

When engaging with others on social media through comments or DMs, naturally you want to do so authentically. Your audience, especially if they are also HSPs and empaths, will see straight through any insincerity and flattery.

It’s far more important to build relationships and networks by being yourself.

Share thoughtful feedback and genuine praise if you feel it’s appropriate. If someone shares something that really resonates with you, tell them and perhaps start a conversation.

However, if you have a differing opinion, you can share that in a gentle and genuine way. State your point of view and why you feel that way if you think it would be helpful. If not, leave it alone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and negative feedback is not productive use of anyone’s time.

4. Use social media as an HSP

It’s not just about how you use social media as an HSP by showing up authentically. It’s also important how you use social media full stop.

It’s vital that you guard your time and your energy. It can be such a time suck scrolling feeds. Before you know it, an hour or more has gone by. It’s also very easy to get stuck in comparisonitis!

Try to limit your time on social media and only check it once or twice a day, at designated times. You’ll find this much easier if you turn off all your notifications.

You can find more about this in the recent post, 4 Tips to Manage Your Time Productively

Wrapping up

Using social media in an authentic way is super important because it builds trust. People are much more likely to do business with you when they trust you. So the best way to connect with your audience and grow your business, is to show up authentically on social media!

Just be the real you, and you’ll find the people who are drawn to you are those who truly resonate with you and what you have to share.

If you’re searching for a tried-and-true marketing system that truly works, I highly recommend taking a look at The HSP Business School. Within its comprehensive program, we delve into all aspects of marketing tailored specifically to highly sensitive people (HSPs), including the incredibly time-saving technique of repurposing content. This program covers a wide range of business areas, offering you the opportunity to skyrocket your business to new heights.